CoB Team 2 Manifesto

Started by uberdyologzz, October 26, 2013, 07:38:27 PM

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my Stupid Latency on weekend >_>


That's a 1.5 second delay. :/ I salute you. I'd probably break my keyboard in half trying to do TitsX like that.


went to T5 with Tale and Team4,
we made it to Snake.... good experience =)

We should do more practice on T5 so we can be the first team in FC who down T5 XD


Finally, I got Earring from TitanX ... I went on DF team.
And this run, we actually carry 1 DPS O_O.....  he die from the beginning.

Which mean, If Elpy come back and we Team2 Full team(with our best class)
..... we might be able to carry people in TitanX like we did in Titan HM XD

Team2 OP !~~  XD


Yeahhh... Sell TitsX wins. Hahaha


People are starting to get used to TitX. Ain't that hard to find a descent TitX party now..

Which means TitX sales are probably droping alot =(